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What is hardhat

Hardhat is a development environment for Ethereum software. It consists of different components for editing, compiling, debugging and deploying your smart contracts and dApps, all of which work together to create a complete development environment.

How to use hardhat on Fuse and Spark

Following the instructions here, run npx hardhat to create a hardhat project.

Then in hardhat.config.js add Fuse and Spark to the network section:

module.exports = {
// ...
networks: {
fuse: {
url: '',
accounts: {
// put dev menomonic or PK here
spark: {
url: '',
accounts: {
// put dev menomonic or PK here
// ...

How to verify contracts

To verify contracts with hardhat the hardhat-etherscan is used. Yes it’s sound counterintuitive and wrong, but the hardhat-etherscan plugin verifies contracts in the blockscout explorer.

Add the following property to hardhat.config.js

etherscan: {
apiKey: {
customChains: [
network: "fuse",
chainId: 122,
urls: {
apiURL: "",
browserURL: ""
network: "spark",
chainId: 123,
urls: {
apiURL: "",
browserURL: ""

Now to verify the contract on Fuse:

npx hardhat verify --network fuse DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "Constructor argument 1"

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