Voltage Finance bridge: Fuse<>BSC network
This is a step-by-step guide explaining how to move BEP20-supported tokens between Fuse and BNB chain networks.
🌉 Transferring tokens from Fuse network to BSC​
In this step-by-step bridging tutorial, we will use a MetaMask wallet to bridge FUSE tokens from Fuse to the **BSC network **via the native app.voltage.finance bridge.
Step 1: Navigate to app.voltage.finance/#/bridge:
Step 2: Press Connect wallet on the right-hand, top corner of the page to connect your wallet to the Voltage Finance DApp and click on To Binance to bridge to BSC network.
Step 3: Choose FUSE token from the dropdown token menu and** enter the amount of FUSE** you want to transfer from BSC to Fuse network and click the Bridge button.
Please note that the minimum amount eligible for bridging is $100 in FUSE. The same rule applies to other tokens on the bridge.
Once this is done, you can click on “Transfer” and approve the transaction. Once this transaction is confirmed on-chain, the FUSE balance will be moved to the bridge smart contract.
Finally, you will need to claim your FUSE from the bridge contract on BSC. Note that you will need to have enough BNB on your destination address on BSC to be able to claim the bridged tokens successfully.
Press on "Claim," confirm the transaction in MetaMask, and you will receive FUSE to your BSC address. The transaction can be tracked on https://bscscan.com.
**IMPORTANT: **Although the Fuse team is doing its best to ensure that all the bridge transfers go through smoothly, sometimes, transactions get stuck. If this happens, please use the interface at https://bscalm.fuse.io/ to troubleshoot the issue or contact the team for support in our official Telegram group.
🌉 Transferring tokens from BCS to Fuse network​
Step 1: Navigate to app.voltage.finance/#/bridge:
Use the “Connect to a wallet” on the right hand top corner to connect your wallet to Voltage Finance. Once you connect you should be able to see your wallet address and see the network you are connected to (in this case BSC).
Step 2: Select FUSE from the dropdown menu and enter the amount of FUSE you want to transfer from BSC to Fuse Network. Click on “Transfer” and approve the transaction on Metamask. Click on “Approve FUSE” and approve the transaction on Metamask.
Note that there are no minimum amounts for the incoming transfers to Fuse Network.
Once the transaction is confirmed on-chain, the “Transfer” button can be clicked and transaction has to be approved, and once this second transaction is confirmed on-chain, the FUSE balance on the same address on Fuse network will be credited with the transferred tokens.
Note that unlike with transfers in the opposite direction, there is no need to claim the bridged tokens from the smart contract. They are credited to the sender's Fuse address automatically.
The updated FUSE balance on Fuse network can be checked through Fuse Network block explorer https://explorer.fuse.io.